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  • Атрибут bgcolor htmlbook.ru Теги HTML
    valign. <td>.

  • HTML td bgcolor Attribute
    The bgcolor attribute specifies the background color of a table cell.

  • How to set HTML Table background Cell background color
    Adding Colors and Pictures to HTML Table. We can change background of a table in two ways.

  • HTML Tutorial - Bgcolor Alternating Table Row Colors
    The bgcolor attribute is used to set the background color of an HTML element.

  • HTML Tags/Table Tags/background color - TAG index
    HTML Tag Reference. Specifies the background color of the table. Codes and Examples.

  • HTML Tutorial - Bgcolor, colors for background, inserting a picture...
    HTML - Font and background together. First of all we put into practice an example of a table of scores coloring a table to highlight certain aspects.

  • HTML Attribute for <TABLE ...> BGCOLOR =color expression
    You can also set the background colors of rows with <TR BGCOLOR="..."> and of individual cells with <TD BGCOLOR="...">.

  • How to Change Table Background Colors
    The attribute bgcolor will change the background color of the table, the current table row, or the current table cell.

  • Table Background Color Using CSS Classes
    Change your HTML table background color using these copy/paste HTML codes.

  • Modifying table background color HTML topics
    Listing 1 - Examples of different table background colors with corresponding HTML code. Example.

  • Информация взята v3.kz
